Best Stainless Steel Catering Equipment Manufacturer: Choose Win Tend is choosing the tend to WIN!
flatbed trolley heavy duty has created considerable benefits for 佛山市云天达金属制品有限公司 and its customers. The outstanding feature of this product lies in high performance. Although it is superior in materials and complicated in process, direct marketing reduces the price and makes the cost even lower. Therefore, it is highly competitive in the market and gets more popular for its superior performance and lower cost.
Thanks to the support of our customers, WIN TEND has made some achievements. Since our inception, we are becoming more and more famous in the international market. Our continuously professional and sincere attitude towards products have been recognized by our customers. Thus, we have gained a large number of orders and established a long-term cooperation relationship with customers around the world, which is the affirmation of our brand.
We love a challenge! If customers' vision on flatbed trolley heavy duty and suchlike products from Win Tend requires specialized specification, we are the manufacturer ready to help make it a reality.
Stainless Steel Service Trolley is one of Win Tend's core products. Why is this product still our advantage after 18 years? In terms of product quality, we pay attention to every aspect to reassure our customers.
About its tube, cut the material and bend the tube for shaping. Then polish the tube to be more satin. Thirdly , punch in the body of the tube. As shown in the video.
About the board, we cut the material, do a deep drawing. Then bend the edges and weld the seam. By the way, all the welding is fully argon welded. Finally, polish the board and stick EVA sticker.
About the material of the tube in our company, the general dimension of square tube trolley in our company is that, the tube is made of stainless steel 201, while the board is made of stainless steel 430, the weight capacity of the board is 50kg per shelf. And different from other company, there are impact protectors attached to each castor and the anti-noisy EVA sticker on the bottom of the board.
About the packaging, Win Tend use flat carton to pack the goods. the board will be sticked white film and outside the carton, there are two packing belts to fix the carton. according to customer demand, the shipping mark and warnings can be designed for the customers. Also the customized sizes and thicknesses are welcomed.